Cards Don’t Lie — People Do

Madame Nadia- GyspyYou might be a novice, or even a more seasoned reader. You might be super intuitive, and you know your cards well. Maybe you got innate social intelligence. And, of course, you are an empath .

Well, dha’ling, being an empath in the fortunetellig biz is both a blessing and a curse. Surely, we don’t need to go into the blessing part. But lets talk about the curse aspect!

When we are compassionate, supporting, and empathizing with our clients, we start feeling more inclined to tell them what they want to hear :
🤥 5 of Pentacles — “Of course you’re getting your old job back.” .

🤥 3 of Swords — “Absolutely, he’s leaving his crazy wife for you.” .

🤥 7 of Swords — “Has she cheated on you? No way!”

We all have been there. And if you aren’t a complete charlatan, who gives clients only what they want to hear, so they come back for more horse shit — you know how shook your integrity be after that client leaves.

So how shall we deal with this catch 22? My best advice is — read the damn cards! When all fails, go back to the reading table, and tell your client word in word what the layout is about; explaining each card’s meaning, and letting them soak in the vibe. Then, when they are aware of the cartomantic atmosphere, you’ll be able to let them down easier.

Cards don’t lie, readers do. Don’t be an over-extended empath. Deliver the prophesy with integrity, and trust that your client will benefit in meaningful ways from your honest divination, in the long run because Spirit works in mysterious ways!

If you’d like to learn more about how to cultivate the foxiest version of yourself, or techniques to balance your, chakras, or about meditation, ritual crafting, all things cartomancy …. and how to make your instagram look glamorous, please DM or book some time with me at

One thought on “Cards Don’t Lie — People Do

  1. Stella aka "fennario" says:

    Short and sweet, but this is possibly the most important blog post I have ever seen.
    There’s so much fear of “self fulfilling prophecies” out there that a lot of people won’t acknowledge negativity in the cards. If “self fulfilling prophecy” readings held any water, I think virtually everyone who had ever had a reading would be living in a mansion on a private island with a fat bank account and devoted (and very hot) lover. Or several of those, if that’s their thing!

    Life doesn’t always play nice, and that’s what the cards are for: to give us a heads up. 😉

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